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Dear Diary
Dear Diary



5 Laycock Street
Wyoming NSW 2250

Laycock Street Community Theatre presents A Merrigong Theatre Company Production.

Dear Diary
By Kay Proudlove

Phenomenal South Coast singer songwriter, Kay Proudlove, brings her formidable talent and infectious personality to the stage in Dear Diary, directed by Leland Kean (Lost Boys, As Luck would Have It). Dear Diary takes us on a journey through Kay’s teenage diaries through a collection of intimate and vulnerable stories and songs.

Dear Diary, is a hilarious, nostalgic and sometimes painful revisiting of our teenage years, delving into the pressures and expectations of growing up.

Please be advised: The show contains Adult Themes and Strong Language, it is recommended for ages 14+.

Dear Diary is supported by NSW Government and Arts On Tour. 

Duration: 1 Hour and 25 Minutes

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